More Information on Orang Asli
Information about the Orang Asli (OA) - from Official Sources
The Orang Asli are the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsula Malaysia. The name is a Malay term which translated as 'original peoples' or 'first peoples.' It is a collective term introduced by anthropologists and administrators for the 18 sub-ethnic groups generally classified for official purposes into three (3) main tribal groups namely: a. Negritos (3%), b. Senois (55%), and c. Aboriginal Malay or Proto-Malay (42%).
(Note: Their total population in 2003 was reported as 147, 412 representing a less than 1 per cent (%) of the national population of 20 million). Population Source for data: JHEOA December 2003, as reported at the International Conference on The Indigenous People 2005

Malaysia Government OFFICIAL Website
Department of Orang Asli Affairs, Malaysia
- Article by Rev LMK - No Squatting Over Still Waters (It is critical to understand the customs of the Orang Asli (OA) if we are to be effective in ministering to them).
Download - No Squatting Over Still Waters (pdf)
Information on Malaysia
1. An official guide to Malaysia.
An official guide to Malaysia provided by the Malaysian National Tourism Office in New York City.
2. Tourism Malaysia.
Tourism Malaysia's objective is to promote Malaysia as an outstanding tourist destination.
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